Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Alaska, Canada? My eye!


The 4th Berlin Biennial opened recently. It got a mention in the New York Times, which is what brought it to my attention. I immediately went looking for the Canadian artists involved, and I find that there's this dude, Reynold Reynolds who told someone that he was born in a place called Alaska, Canada.

Yeah, right.

It appears that Mr. Reynold Reynolds likes to pass himself off as Canadian, I'm not certain why, but I have seen similar cases before. In fact, there is a place in this here country called "Alaska." If you'd like to see where it is, click on this, and zoom in. Personally, I think Reynold Reynolds (yeah, what's up with the name? Did he chew on aluminum as a child or something?) wanted people to think that he was born in this place. Which looks like this from the sky. Although unless he fancies applying for some Canada Council grants, I don't think he's gonna get too far.

But, I actually should thank Mr. Reynolds, because in my attempt to figure out where he truly was born, I discovered a two day old article from the Arizona Republic, where I discovered that contrary to what I would have thought, Berlin has as much of an art market as Montreal does (or at least that's what some babe named Swetlana Heger says.

But to give props where props are due, there really and truly is a bona fide Canadian Artist® in the 4th Berlin Biennial, unfortunately I think he is a really bad artist. If he is touting Poems (what I assume is a piece in the biennale) as being "a textual mélange out of the lyrics of obscure rock songs and titles of death metal classics," then I want proof positive that there is not a single song from the Top 100 ever in it. Then while I can understand the irony being used by writing "death metal classics" and "obscure rock songs" in the same sentence, I strongly doubt that his piece is exclusively made up of just those two categories.

[Update April 25: Please read this]

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