Monday, May 21, 2007

Internet news on the Biennale


Submitted without comment
  1. Sarah Milroy's review in the Globe & Mail
  2. Nathalie Guimond of Voir reviews the David Altmejd exhibit
  3. René Viau of Le Devoir reviews the David Altmejd exhibit
  4. Rupert Bottenberg of the Mirror on the Music
  5. Christine Redfern of the Mirror on the art and the music
  6. Susannah Wesley of the Hour on David Altmejd
  7. Stéphane Martel of Voir on Peaches
  8. Mario Cloutier of La Presse on the art
  9. Louise Dussault of 24 heures on the music
  10. Denis-Daniel Boullé of Fuges on the art
  11. Marilou Séguin of the Journal de Montreal on the music and the art
  12. Radio-Canada on the art
  13. Press release about the STM press release about Beth Derbyshire
  14. Stillepost (the indie hipster bulletin board) thread about the biennale
  15. Andrea Carson of the View on Canadian Art Blog about the art
  16. Rene Viau's review in Le Devoir
  17. Denis of Midnight Poutine on Iran Do Espirito Santo
  18. Le Devoir on Comic Craze
  19. La Voix Populaire on the biennale
  20. A reprint of a press release on
  21. A brief mention in the Brainylady blog
  22. A brief mention on the CultureTV blog
  23. Fred da Cat's LiveJournal entry
As I come across more I will update this list. If there are any significant changes I will bump it to the top again - and for those of you who like to read between the lines, I do have one question - what's up with Nicholas Mavrikakis? He should have been all over this in Voir - but there ain't nothing, not a single word this week Why did he write his preview/review in the issue of May 3?

[update May 21: I bumped this to the top again, due to the addition over the week of about half a dozen items, most specifically the review in the Globe & Mail.]

[Update May 26: Nicholas Mavrikakis and Voir review the biennale. I do not see much difference between the preview he wrote three weeks ago, and the review he wrote this week.]

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